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Arizona Accident Statistics
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There were 127,056 total crashes in Arizona in 2018

-.059% less than 2017
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In 2018, there were 1,010 fatalities from motor vehicle related crashes.

1.2% more than 2017
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261 alcohol related fatalities in 2018

19.44% less than 2017
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2,951 alcohol related injuries in 2018

7.08% less than 2017
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245 pedestrian fatalities in 2018

8.41% higher than 2017
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1,537 pedestrian injuries in 2018


0.92% higher than 2017
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Alcohol Related crashes accounted for 3.66% of all crashes and 26.30% of all fatal crashes.

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Crashes involving single vehicles accounted for 14.74% of all crashes and 32.53% of all fatal crashes.

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Of all Pedestrian crashes, 13.72% were fatal.

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Of all bicycle related crashes, 1.88% were fatal.

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Daytime crashes from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. accounted for 72.9% of all crashes.

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Motor vehicle crashes resulted in $19.349 billion in economic losses to Arizona.

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Children age 14 and younger accounted for 32 fatalities and 3,134 injuries in motor vehicle crashes

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8,395 victims injured age 19 or under in 2018

3,993 males and 4,402 females
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2,042 victims age 75 or older

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2,248 People were Injured in Motorcycle Accidents in 2018

From a total of 2,738 Motorcycle Crashes
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2,247 Crashes in 2018 included Tractor Trucks (With or without Semi-Trailer)

58 were Fatal Truck Accidents and 536 Included Injuries

The number of fatal crashes in Arizona in 2018

.072 of all crashes were fatal crashes

36,507 injury crashes in Arizona in 2018

28.73% of all crashes

In 2018, there were 89,633 property damage only crashes

70.55% of all crashes

There were 24 bicyclist fatalities in 2018.


25% less than 2017

1,182 bicyclist injuries in Arizona in 2018

15.35% less than 2017

Fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled: 1.53%

Injuries per 100 million vehicle miles traveled: 80.70

Approximately 2.77 people were killed every day in Arizona as a result of motor vehicle crashes.

One person was killed every 8 hours and 39 minutes

There were an average of 146 persons injured every day from motor vehicle collisions.

A person was injured every 9 minutes and 51 seconds.

Economic loss due to fatal motor vehicle crashes were nearly $9.64 billion dollars.

State of Arizona

Economic loss due to crashes where serious injuries were suspected was over $2 billion dollars.

State of Arizona

The age group with the largest number of injuries was 25-34 with 10,470 injuries in 2018.

Nearly 20% of all fatalities were 25-34 year olds

The age group with the largest number of fatalities was 25-34 with 180 fatalities in 2018.

18% of all fatalities were 25-34 year olds

150 People were Killed in Motorcycle Accidents in 2018

Driver Fatalities: 143 | Passenger Fatalities: 7

11 People were Killed & 195 were Injured in Truck Accidents in 2018

The Overwhelming Majority were Drivers